We’ve just come across some articles written by several Barcelona GSE Alumni who are now Research Assistants and Economists at Caixabank Research in Barcelona. New articles are published each month on a range of topics.
Below is a list of all the alumni we found listed as article contributors, as well as their most recent publications in English (click each author to view his or her full list of articles in English, Catalan, and Spanish).
If you’re an alum and you’re also writing about Economics, let us know where we can find your stuff!
Gerard Arqué (Master’s in Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets ’09)
The (r)evolution in the regulatory and supervisory framework resulting from the crisis
Mar Domènech (Master’s in International Trade, Finance, and Development ’17)
Registered workers affiliated to Social Security: situation and outlook across sectors
Active labour market policies: a results-based evaluation
Equal opportunities: levelling the playing field for everyone
Cristina Farràs (Master’s in Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets ’17)
Measures to improve equality of opportunities
Marta Guasch (Master’s in International Trade, Finance, and Development ’17)
and Adrià Morron (Master’s in Economics ’12)
Jay Gatsby’s American Dream: between inequality and social mobility
Ricard Murillo (Master’s in International Trade, Finance, and Development ’17)
Inflation will gradually recover in the euro area
Millenials and politics: mind the gap!
The sensitivity of inflation to the euro’s appreciation
Ariadna Vidal Martínez (Master’s in Finance ’12)
Situation and outlook for consumer financing
Source: Caixabank Research