I recently founded the D\carb Future Economy Forum with the goal of better informing the public debate on climate change on topics such as green growth, green macroeconomics and green innovation.
D\carb is strongly inspired by my Master’s studies at Barcelona GSE such as Antonio Ciccone’s class on Economic Growth and Albert Bravo-Biosca’s course on innovation policy.
Last week we held our virtual kick-off event, “Green Growth: Technological Innovation, Market Incentives and Investments for a Green Economy” to discuss the opportunities and risks of transitioning our economy into a sustainable future.
Our speakers were Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, Director and Chief Economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Prof. Cameron Hepburn, Director of the Economics of Sustainability Programme and Professor of Environmental Economics at the University of Oxford. Johanna Schiele, McCloy-fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, moderated the event.
The event was organized jointly with the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and the Sustainability Centre of the Hertie School of Governance.
Upcoming events and more information about these topics is available on our website:
Connect with the author

Nils Handler ’18 is a PhD Student at DIW Berlin. He is an alum of the Barcelona GSE Master’s in International Trade, Finance, and Development.