Providing effective mechanisms to fight barriers to competition in Mexico

Editor’s note: This post is part of a series showcasing Barcelona GSE master projects by students in the Class of 2015. The project is a required component of every master program.

Fernando Cota

Master’s Program:
Competition and Market Regulation

Paper Abstract:

The project analyses the current legal faculties that the Mexican Competition Authority has to fight and remove barriers to competition. Given the limited powers of the authority and the pervasive character of those barriers and their negative impact on Mexico’s economy, the Authority’s faculties are considered insufficient. Then the project studies the Spanish Ley de Garantía de Unidad de Mercado and how that law provides effective mechanisms to fight some barriers to competition. Finally, considering Mexico’s constitutional and institutional framework, the project proposes some modifications in the Competition Law in order to incorporate those mechanisms.

Read the paper or view presentation slides:


[slideshare id=50916852&doc=barriers-competition-mexico-150725114536-lva1-app6891]