Can computers see?

Dario Garcia-Gasulla from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center introduced BGSE Data Science students to the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method of object recognition.

image recognition

Computers today have the ability to process information from images notably thanks to object recognition. This ability improved greatly over the past few years and reached human levels on complex tasks in 2015. The algorithm allowing them to do such thing is called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This method also enabled Google’s AI to beat one of the best GO players in the world and build self-driving cars.

This week, the Renyi Hour invited Dario Garcia-Gasulla from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center who introduced the Data Science students to this method.

You can find the presentation slides here:

[slideshare id=62763705&doc=deep-learning-bsc-garcia-gasulla-160606101501]


Repost from Barcelona GSE Data Scientists blog

Data Science field trip to Spain’s most powerful computing cluster

Unburying ourselves from a pile of Latin and Greek letters, most notably q’s and delta’s and little red g‘s, the 2015-16 candidates for a Master’s in Data Science visited MareNostrum, Spain’s most powerful computer cluster located on the western edge of inland Barcelona.


Everyone needs to take a break once in awhile. Unburying ourselves from a pile of Latin and Greek letters, most notably q’s and delta’s and little red g‘s, the 2015-16 candidates for a Master’s in Data Science at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics visited MareNostrum, Spain’s most powerful computer cluster located on the western edge of inland Barcelona.

Read the full post on the Barcelona GSE Data Science blog